Contact Us
Our Address
930 Queen Ave SWAlbany, OR 97321
PHONE: 541-928-7660
FAX: 541-928-8694
EMAIL: faithalbany [at] proaxis [dot] com
Clergy and Staff
- Pastor: Dorthy Nielsen and Visiting Pastors
- Office Manager: Carol Armstrong
- Organist/Pianist: Cheryl Blum
- Congregation President: Gordy Gamet
- Vice President: Terry Virnig
- Council Secretary: Mary Sabatka Gamet
- Treasurer: Janice Lee-Virnig
- Financial Secretary: Alice Weber
- Evangelism and Mission: Dick Olsen
- Fellowship & Social Concerns: Peggy Preston
- Mission Endowment Fund: Carol Olufson
- Property Management: Vacant
- Stewardship: Vacant
- Worship and Music: George Hunt
- Youth and Family: Vacant